Aviation Training Centres

Prescient Systems & Technologies Pte. Ltd., leveraging on its extensive experience in maintenance and operation of flight training centres and air crew training,  co-founded UK-based Alpha Aviation Group Limited (AAG) in 2006 to set up Type Rating Training Organisation (TRTO) centres and Flight Training Organisations (FTO) in Gatwick (UK), Clark (Philippines) and Sharjah (UAE).  These provide ab-initio cadet pilot training (including the Multi-crew Pilot Licence (MPL) curriculum based training) and refresher & command-upgrade training for experienced pilots.

AAG's aviation academies and centres  train commercial pilots for major airlines around the world by utilising a complete suite of training aircraft (including Cessnas) and  European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) compliant Synthetic Training Devices (STD), including an A320 Level D Full Flight Simulator, a 737NG Level-D  Full Flight Simulator, Flight & Navigation Procedures Trainers II (FNPT II) and Virtual Procedures Trainers.

For more information on AAG, please refer to their website.

Prescient continues to provide its design and setup services for aviation training centres for airlines and flight training organisations around the world.